Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Job!!!

Yeeaaa!! I am so excited!! I found out about a month ago that I am going to have my very own sharing this time, even though last time wasn't so bad. There's just nothing like having your own room and your own students!! I know I may have some withdrawls going from "Hebert/Rojas" as I/We (LOL) were called at Johnston Street. Now it's just ROJAS :-) Anyway, I am going back to the school that I student taught in.....Hopkins :-) I am going to have a first grade class which is cool and what's just as fun is that most of the kids in my class are going to be the ones that I taught in K as a student teacher in the winter of '07! It should be fun!

So now the fun stuff....I have to plan my room, theme/decorations, lesson plans, and and and... I have training all week this week and then it is back to work. My summer is gone and I can't even believe it!

Well, wish me luck!! I am excited and I know this year will be a great one!!


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